
Responses to Major Events

  • The labor-management negotiation with the Taoyuan Flight Attendants Union is described as follows:

    Taoyuan Flight Attendants Union EVA Air Branch (hereinafter referred to as the “TFAU”) had collective bargaining meeting in past years and repeatedly mediation with EVA Air over the disputes. Although both parties reached certain consensus, however, the union’s demands for “no free ride” terms that exclude non-union members, which EVA cannot compromise on. TFAU unilaterally ending the meeting and mediation then called the strike without providing prior notice. The disruption affected some 300,000 passengers; EVA Air found their actions unacceptable and regrettable. EVA is a 100% privately owned enterprise, fully responsible for sustaining our operations, safeguarding the rights and interests of 130 thousand shareholders and more than 20 thousand employees. We are facing this strike responsibly and will continue to make every effort to work with TFAU

    In repeated negotiations with the TFAU, EVA have expressed good will and offered reasonable solutions such as more benefits and improved working condition. EVA Air and TFAU have reached consensus and signed an agreement on 6 July , 2019 to define stable future labor-management relations. Meanwhile, both sides agreed that the TFAU will not stage another walkout within 3 years and that future strikes should spare domestic flights under witnessed by Labor Minister and Taoyuan City Mayor. It is hoped that the trade unions can express their demands through various communication channels in a rational manner. As long as it is a suggestion that contributes to positive growth, the company will actively listen and communicate to create a win-win situation for labor and management.

  • The labor-management negotiation with the Taoyuan Pilots Union is described as follows:

    On July 16th, 2018, the Taoyuan Pilots Union EVA Air Branch (hereinafter referred to as the “TUP”) requested on 16 issues. Later, voted on whether to call a strike, since many issues couldn’t be resolved shortly by the negotiation and dispute mediation. On August 7th, 2018, after announcing that it had obtained the right to strike, 4 negotiations had gone on under the mediation of the Ministry of Labor, Civil Aeronautics Administration and Taoyuan City Government’s Department of Labor. Eva Air and the TUP achieved the consensus on core requests on August 30th, while giving other issues a year to be resolved by negotiations, and the TUP agreed to hold off the exercise of the disputed act during the negotiation. The Company agreed to gradually decrease the minimum service years; in addition, regarding flight safety and tiring flights, the Company agreed to allow pilots flying certain routes to rest overnight, increase the number of pilots for flights from Los Angeles to Taipei from December 1st, and grant the captains the authority to call off or delay a flight in the event of bad weather.

    Flight safety has always been the core value of EVA Air. The Company views its employees as the most important assets, remains in absolute compliance with all the relevant regulations of this country, fully realizes the labor rights of its pilots, and actively reviews and improves the labor conditions and benefits of its employees. Since September of 2018, the Company has been engaged in monthly negotiations with the TUP hosted by the Taoyuan City Government’s Department of Labor, and made significant progress. The Company made reasonable responses to some requests made by the TUP and both parties agreed to avoid labor disputes for the next few years that may impact society and the air travel of the public.